

and owning it



Take a Timeout

Under normal circumstances, I believe everyone in our society should follow current events and monitor our democracy to ensure the stability of our country’s foundational tenets. And then, the President Tweets: …which may give you cause for concern. As a... Continue Reading →

Support Your Local…Democrat

For several reasons that you would likely not find very interesting, I have moved around a lot in the past few years. I am happy to report that I now have some stability and am making my new town feel... Continue Reading →

What the Other Half Doesn’t Realize

This week, Jimmy Kimmel began his show with a monologue that sparked a conversation regarding healthcare in our country. The reactions were all over the board (and frankly, overboard). Some have praised the late-night host for the brave and candid... Continue Reading →

24 Million Lives

Full disclosure: After today’s announcement from the CBO, I am beyond discouraged. In order to counter these emotions, I am watching Park and Recreations to lift my spirits. Watching a group of government officials who work to improve their community... Continue Reading →

No Man is an Island, Revisited

Upfront, I want you to know that I believe there is a bipartisan message in this article. If you are honest, I believe you will agree that the current political environment is nasty. Whether you lean blue or red, we... Continue Reading →

Stand with Sweden

When I started this blog, I swore that I would never post something without careful consideration. However, I didn’t anticipate the events that unfolded today. True to my mission, I feel the need to post and start the conversation. Also,... Continue Reading →

Coming Out…as a Blogger

Normally, I am a fairly private person, but recent events have drug me out of the closet. To be clear, the closet to which I refer is discretion. Usually, I share my witty insight via group text message with a... Continue Reading →

She Persisted

There are many things that are troubling about recent events in the Senate. I’m too exhausted with this to provide any substantive commentary. Someone will likely ask, “How is your inability to provide substantive content on this matter any different... Continue Reading →

How Basketball Taught Me to Breathe in a Trump Administration

When I was in high school, I was a devout basketball aficionado. I loved it. It was the sole motivating factor that got my ass to school. My parents, to their credit, used basketball as both the carrot and the... Continue Reading →

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